University of Connecticut
Dawn Pettinelli, Manager, Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory
Dr. Harvey D. Luce, Assistant
Professor, Agronomy
A common misconception when buying
topsoil is that the soil we receive should be a dark, fertile, friable loam
capable of serving all of our landscaping needs. There are, however, no
legal marketing standards for topsoil. To further complicate matters, the
terms “topsoil” and “loam” are often used interchangeably when, in fact, not
all topsoils are loams and not all loams are topsoils.
Soil is the foundation of our
landscape. It is comprised of sand, silt and clay, mixed with varying
amounts of organic matter, water and air. It is a complex and dynamic
medium, able to serve many functions. For the horticulturist, it is a
plant growth medium; for the engineer, a construction material and load bearing
medium; to the geologist, a stage in the recycling of rock materials.
Soil often becomes the scapegoat for a multitude of lawn and garden
difficulties. Though sometimes it can contribute to a problem, cultural
or other environmental factors are usually more direct causes.
Topsoil, as the name infers, is the
uppermost layer of soil. The surface soil usually is darker in color than
the subsoil below it because of the accumulation of organic matter.
Virgin topsoils in Connecticut generally range from 0 to 5 inches in thickness.
Most Connecticut soils, however, have been plowed so a more functional
definition of topsoil is the depth of soil that has been mixed by normal
cultivation practices, in most cases 5 to 12 inches.
Loam, on the other hand, is a textural classification.
Texture refers to the relative amount of sand, silt and clay in a soil. A
loam is technically a soil with between 7% and 27% clay, 28% to 50% silt and
less than 52% sand. One may modify the term, loam, to sandy loam, sandy
clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam or silt loam as the proportions of these
individual soil fractions change.
Considerable variability exists
among topsoils throughout Connecticut. Eastern Connecticut soils contain
slightly more sand than those in central and western Connecticut.
Naturally wet soils often maintain higher organic matter levels than
well-drained soils. Soils often mistaken for clays actually contain
considerable amounts of silt and sand. Characteristics of these soils may
resemble those popularly associated with clays. These include blue-gray
color, extreme hardness, cracking, slow drainage and difficulty in
cultivation. Because most purchased topsoil is local in origin, its
texture may not be too different from what one presently has on site, but its
quality as topsoil may be.
What to Look For
Before one buys any topsoil it is a
good idea to visually inspect the stockpiled soil. It should be free of
trash and other debris. Screened topsoil should be completely free of
rock fragments greater than 3 inches in diameter (cobbles and stones).
Rock fragments of less than 3 inches in diameter (gravel) should comprise no
more than 5% of the soil volume.
Texture: Soil texture greatly
affects the suitability of topsoil. Sands should be avoided because they
almost always have a low water- and nutrient-holding capacity. Clays,
sandy clays, silty clays and silts should be avoided because they tend to be
difficult to cultivate (cloddy) and insufficiently permeable to water and
air. In other words, they tend to stay wet too long after a rain, which
prevents air from reaching plants roots. Soil textures that may be
suitable for topsoil include loamy sands, sandy loams (including fine sandy
loams), loams, silt loams, silty clay loams, clay loams and sandy clay
loams. Loamy sands have the disadvantage of having a relatively low
water-holding capacity but are generally easier to till. Because they tend
to resist compaction, loamy sands may be preferred in areas subject to traffic
or other conditions that may result in soil compaction.
Silty clay loams, sandy clay loams
and clay loams are suitable but tend to be somewhat difficult to till, may
compact somewhat and may not supply plant roots with enough air. Perhaps
the ideal textures for topsoils are sandy loams and fine sandy loams.
These texture classes tend to have the optimum trade off between water-holding
capacity and soil aeration (and soil tilth). Loams and silt loams are
equally desirable assuming that no more than 4 inches of topsoil will be
applied and that the topsoil will not be artificially compacted or subject to
heavy traffic.
Organic Matter: Topsoils should contain at least 2%
organic matter but no more than about 10%. Organic matter is an important
component of topsoils. It contributes to the capacity of soils to hold
water and nutrients and tends to improve soil aggregation which makes soils
more porous. This results in excess water draining away more readily and
facilitates the flow of air to plants roots. Organic matter also tends to
make soils easier to till. Too much organic matter, however, may result
in a soil that is subject to compaction during the installation phase or
afterwards as a result of normal foot traffic.
When buying topsoil, a preconceived
notion is the darker, the better. While an increase in darkness is often
associated with an increase in organic matter, soils which are very dark and
grayish may have been dredged from wetland areas. These soils often are
very acidic and poorly structured. They “evolved” under wet conditions
and may not respond well when placed in a well-aerated environment. Avoid
It is usually unrealistic to believe
that purchased topsoil will require no amendments. Lime and fertilizer
are frequently necessary. The addition of organic matter can greatly
improve the soil’s physical condition. Two or three inches of organic
matter tilled to a depth of 6 to 8 inches is a typical recommendation for
topsoils low in organic matter. Sources of organic matter include
screened compost, peat moss, manure, leaf-mold, rotted sawdust and cover
crops. The characteristics of each of these must be considered before
use. Mushroom composts, for instance, should be checked for high soluble
salt levels. Although it is tempting to add sand to a “heavy” soil,
adding organic matter will ultimately give the best results.
Topsoil is generally sold by the cubic yard. Prices
vary depending on location, but range from $15 to $20 per yard “picked up” and
from $17 to $25 per yard “delivered.” The minimum amount commonly
delivered is from 3 to 6 yards. Most soils are screened through a
3/4-inch mesh. Unscreened soil is less expensive than screened, but the
few dollars saved is rarely worth the time and effort spent removing coarse
fragments after delivery. Estimate the amount needed by figuring 12 cubic
yards will cover about 1000 square feet to the depth of 4 inches. Rural
companies may mix compost or manure with the topsoil. “Manufactured”
topsoil is a more recent market development. It is commonly a
coarse-grained (sandy) mineral base mixed with some composted organic
material. This serves a dual function of providing a potentially useful
horticultural product and disposing of bulky organic wastes. Not all are
worthy of consideration as topsoil.
Few companies selling topsoil have
it tested before it is sold. One may want to have a soil test performed
to determine its lime and fertilizer requirements and to assess its
texture. If one plans to grow vegetables in the purchased soil, it may be
wise to check the levels of heavy metals such as lead. Due to the high
cost, testing for contaminants such as gasoline, oil or pesticides is rare.
Further inquiries may be directed
Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory
6 Sherman Place, Unit 5102
Storrs, CT 06269-5102
(860) 486-4274
The information in this material is
for educational purposes. The recommendations contained are based on the best
available knowledge at the time of printing. Any reference to commercial
products, trade or brand names is for information only, and no endorsement or
approval is intended. The Cooperative Extension system does not guarantee or
warrant the standard of any product referenced or imply approval of the product
to the exclusion of others which also may be available. All
agrochemicals/pesticides listed are registered for suggested uses in accordance
with federal and Connecticut state laws and regulations as of the date of
printing. If the information does not agree with current labeling, follow the
label instructions. The label is the law. Warning! Agrochemicals/pesticides are
dangerous. Read and follow all instructions and safety precautions on labels.
Carefully handle and store agrochemicals/pesticides in originally labeled
containers immediately in a safe manner and place. Contact the Connecticut
Department of Environmental Protection for current regulations. The user of
this information assumes all risks for personal injury or property damage.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30,
1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Kirklyn M. Kerr,
Director, Cooperative Extension System, The University of Connecticut, Storrs.
The Connecticut Cooperative Extension System offers its programs to persons
regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and is an
equal opportunity employer.
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